2025 Conference Signup
Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!
We have DOT Consortium memberships for companies of 1-14 drivers or 15+ drivers. The DOT Consortium membership for 1-14 drivers is a flat rate of $95/driver for enrollment and includes any in-network random drug tests for 1 year. The DOT Consortium membership for 15+ drivers is for carriers with 15 drivers or more and can be in their own testing pool.
Driver File Management is a service to manage your Driver Qualification Files (DQFs) and reduce your risk by establishing and keeping your driver files accurate, organized and diligent. Are you prepared? If not, we can help.
Registering for a DOT number is the first step in starting a trucking company. Obtaining a USDOT Number can be confusing and costly if you don’t know what you’re doing. Our team of Compliance Specialists can obtain your USDOT Number quickly and accurately.
The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) requires individuals and companies that operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate or international commerce to register their business with a participating state and pay an annual fee based on the size of their fleet. We can process your new UCR or your renewal within 24 hrs. Register today!
Whether you are a driver or a motor carrier, we can help challenge the incorrect inspection report to get it removed from your record. When you want to challenge an incorrect violation, a crash that meets the challenge guidelines, or an inspection assigned to you by mistake, you can achieve this through the DataQ process.
All new carriers are subject to a New Entrant Audit in the first 6-12 months of operation. You must demonstrate adequate basic safety management controls. One of our New Entrant Audit Specialists will be assigned to you immediately and they will reach out to the DOT auditor letting them know that CNS is representing your company during the Audit.
This is called the CBSA Carrier Code. Before hauling freight into Canada, your company must be setup with the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) by applying for a CBSA-issued carrier code, a four-character unique identifier used to identify you as a carrier.
An MCS-150 must be filed upon becoming a motor carrier and every two years after that. We will file your MCS-150 for you automatically the first time and every two years after that. It is a simple thing you can forget about that can cost you $1,000’s .
There are a few states that either do not participate in IFTA or have additional highway use fees and mileage filings. These unique states are KY, NM, NY, OR, and CT (as of Jan 1, 2023). If you ever plan to travel through these five states, you must have an account and file your mileage.
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Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!
Join our monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date on trucking industry news and receive important compliance and licensing tips.