2025 Conference Signup
Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!
A safety rating upgrade is a process a carrier takes to request their safety rating be upgraded from a conditional or unsatisfactory rating.
Our PSM DOT Essentials Program is designed to keep motor carriers compliant with the basic DOT regulations that nearly all carriers must follow.
Proactive Safety Management (PSM) is the basis of our business and simply means that your company is working hard to be safe, compliant, and stay ahead of the FMCSA.
Every year you can be subject to an audit performed by the DOT where they might inspect a single aspect of your company or take a comprehensive look at your company’s overall safety and compliance.
There are 4 major changes that can be expected in regards to the Hours of Service Rules, including, the Short-Haul Exception, Adverse Driving Conditions Exception, 30-Minute Break Requirement, and the Sleeper Berth Provision.
Eventually, all truck drivers will face a breakdown and must pull over on the side of the road. Below are 10 steps on what to do when a vehicle breakdown occurs.
During Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement agencies across North America engage in heightened traffic safety enforcement and education aimed at combating unsafe driving behaviors by both commercial motor vehicle and passenger-vehicle drivers.
CNS Online Courses was started in association with Compliance Navigation Specialists to offer online courses allowing you to fulfill any training requirements that you might have related to DOT training, HAZMAT training, CDL training, and much more.
In this video, we walk through the simple step-by-step driver registration process in order to create an FMCSA CDL drug and alcohol Clearinghouse account.
ELD or the telematic data from the device that connects to the trucks computer should be formatted to highlight both efficiencies and deficiencies in simple customizable reports and the best data management plan will measure the data over time to show trends and measure results. This is as simple as a Driver Scorecard for your fleet.
Receive the latest transportation and trucking industry information about FMCSA and DOT Audits, Regulations, etc.
Our DOT Compliance Programs ensure your compliance is your top priority and keeps your business running, reduces fines, qualifies drivers, etc.
Join our monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date on trucking industry news and receive important compliance and licensing tips.
Join our monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date on trucking industry news and receive important compliance and licensing tips.
Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!