- DOT Compliance, Drug and Alcohol Consortium | DOT Compliance, Trucking Startup
Drug and Alcohol Testing Registration
- BECOME A CONSORTIUM MEMBER TODAY! We have DOT Consortium memberships for companies of 1-14 drivers or 15+ drivers. The DOT Consortium membership for 1-14 drivers is a flat per driver rate for enrollment and includes any in-network random drug tests for 1 year. The DOT Consortium membership for 15+ drivers is for carriers with 15 drivers or more and can…
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- DOT Compliance, Drug and Alcohol Consortium | DOT Compliance, Trucking Startup
Drug and Alcohol Testing Registration (1-14 Drivers)
- BECOME A CONSORTIUM MEMBER TODAY! This DOT Consortium membership applies to companies of 1-14 drivers. The DOT Consortium membership for 1-14 drivers is a flat rate of $95/driver for enrollment and includes any in-network random drug tests for 1 year.
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- DOT Compliance, Drug and Alcohol Consortium | DOT Compliance, Trucking Startup
Drug and Alcohol Testing Registration (15+Drivers)
- BECOME A CONSORTIUM MEMBER TODAY! This DOT Consortium membership applies to companies with 15 or more drivers. The DOT Consortium membership for 15+ drivers is for carriers with 15 drivers or more and can be in their own testing pool. Note: Minimum order of 15 is required for 15+ drivers
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- DOT Compliance, Drug and Alcohol Consortium | DOT Compliance, Trucking Startup
Pre-Employment Drug Testing
- GET YOUR NEW HIRE PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTS TODAY! As a motor carrier that is employing drivers, every single new hire that you have needs to go through a Pre-Employment Drug Test. It is required by law for anyone driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle that is over certain weight.
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