Pennsylvania’s Work Zone Speed Cameras

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Automated speeding camera in PA work zones

PennDOT has initiated an automated camera program in hopes of creating long-lasting changes in driver behavior. By using technology to their advantage, their goal is to make the roadways safer for both drivers and workers.

With all the new laws and technology, drivers have many questions. We’re here to answer those for you!

When will the camera tracking program start?

The Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program started on March 4, 2020. The new automated camera systems began installation in 2019, and will continue into 2020.

Why are cameras being installed in work zones?

Speeding violations are the number one ticketed offense in Pennsylvania. Reports in 2017 show 1,778 work-zone accidents, resulting in 19 fatalities and over 1,100 injuries. This technology-based program from the PennDOT was put into motion with the intent of saving lives, not penalizing drivers. The goal is to slow traffic through work zones.

The law passed in 2018 allows for the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program to be put into action. This program is approved to be piloted for 5 years.

Where will cameras be installed?

Speed cameras will be installed in work zones on highways across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The following zones will have the first group of cameras installed:

  • Interstate 78 Section 12M Project (Mile Markers 35-43), Berks County
  • Interstate 476 Total Reconstruction (Mileposts 31-38), Montgomery County
  • Interstate 83 Exit 4 Project (Mileposts 3-4), York County
  • US 1, Section WAV (Wayne Avenue Viaduct), Philadelphia
  • US 1, Section RC1, Bucks County
  • Interstate 276, Section RC1, Bucks County
  • PA 885, Section A45 (Boulevard of the Allies in Pittsburgh from downtown to Oakland), Allegheny County 

How many camera systems are installed?

Two systems were scheduled to be done by the end of 2019. Only ten systems are expected to be installed by the end of 2020. As more work zones install cameras, you can track their installation here.

How will the automated camera systems capture speeding violations?

In Pennsylvania, you can be issued a speeding ticket if you’re even just 1 mph over the speed limit. With the new automated camera system, cameras will capture speeds and photos of license plates. Drivers with speeds exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 mph will receive a ticket via mail.

Camera zones will have signs alerting drivers, and fines will only be issued during active construction times.

What kinds of fines will be issued for speeding drivers?

Fines in the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program use the following schedule:

  • First offense – warning letter
  • Second offense – $75 fine
  • Third and all other offenses – $150 each

Tickets are mailed to drivers within 30 days. No violation will add points to your license if you pay within 90 days.

What will the fine money be used for?

Monies collected from speeding violation fines will pay for the camera technology and its administration. Any additional monies will be used to support state police, PennDOT, and the General Fund.

Are automated camera systems here to stay?

Since this is a pilot program, after five years, the results and benefits will be reevaluated and need to be reauthorized.

The PennDOT is hopeful this program, instead of penalizing drivers, will create a behavior shift that makes working and driving on the roads safer for all.

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