Pedigree’s “Digital Library” add-on allows managers to upload, assign files by driver, vehicle, trailer, carrier, and send documents crucial to a fleet’s daily operation straight to a driver’s tablet including licenses, medical cards, and more.
Fleets, regulatory agencies, and states have been using technology to automate tasks and focus on paperless or contactless solutions since the pandemic started.
ELD providers, like Pedigree Technologies OneView, have taken advantage of this trend by offering a digital library solution that replaces the need for in-cab paper permit book binders.
Permit books have annoyed drivers for many years as roadside enforcement have caught drivers with misplaced or expired credentials and important documents.
As the latest time-saving OneView solution, the Digital Library add-on allows businesses to boost productivity, avoid fines, and communicate more clearly.

This tool allows managers to upload and send documents crucial to a fleet’s daily operation straight to a driver’s tablet including licenses, medical cards, and more.
Now drivers will not get stuck on the road without the proper documentation ever again with the need-to-know information right at their fingertips.
The Digital Library tool allows companies to easily store and manage the digital distribution of documents, images, and other files relevant to their daily operations – making important files available to drivers in-cab, when they need them most.
No matter the fleet size, the tool will be able to upload and assign files by driver, vehicle, trailer, carrier, and region.
Important in-cab documents needed at roadside or while on the road
Required in-cab documents depend on what you are driving, where you can travel, and what technologies you are using.
Important truck and trailer documents include:
- truck and trailer registration
- proof of annual maintenance inspection
- IFTA license
- HAZMAT permits
- over dimension permits
- and more
Depending on what state you travel through, there could be important state registration or certificates, such as:
- intra-state authorities
- Kentucky’s carrier vehicle inventory list for heavy vehicles
- New Jersey’s business registration
- New Mexico’s weight distance tax permit for heavy vehicles, or
- New York’s highway use tax registration
Then there are the technology documents that may always be required to be in the truck. This would include a copy of your ELD telematic device instructions or errors guide. Though not required, it would be good to have a digital copy of instructions for in-cab cameras or other fleet management solutions.

Other important documents could be stored as well, including:
- a driver’s medical card
- maintenance information
- collision instructions
- important phone numbers
- current bills of lading
- company policies
- driver training tools
- and more
Is it time to switch ELD providers?
With popular ELD companies facing public scrutiny to the transition away from 3G devices, it is a good time to make sure you are using ELDs that match your fleet’s needs and using the data to your advantage.
We have searched high and low for a partner in the telematics and ELD industry and have turned to Pedigree Technologies as a trusted brand striving to offer a best-in-class ELD solution with OneView.
CNS can also help with all your licensing and permitting needs. No matter what state you are in, your size (from one vehicle to a thousand vehicles), nor the complexity of your operation, we here at CNS can handle it.
If you want to learn more about our Licensing services, give us a call at 888.260.9448 or email us at