Covid-19 Vaccine Should Protect Against New Variants As Vaccine Distribution Increases

Truckers and COVID-19 | DOT Compliance Services | CNS

As of Christmas Eve, over 9.5 million doses had been distributed and just over 1 million doses had been administered

According to Dr. Amesh Adalja, a fellow with the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Covid-19 vaccine will offer protection against new variants of the virus based on preliminary data.

“It’s important to remember that a vaccine doesn’t create one type of antibodies, it creates a whole host of antibodies and it’s very hard for a virus to escape all of those, especially when it’s happening so fast – meaning this mutation is rather new. It’s not something that’s been evolving for some time,” Adalja told CNN on Wednesday.

The new COVID-19 variant in the United Kingdom can likely spread faster than others and has been detected in Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia, according to the World Health Organization.

While virus mutation is not uncommon, the potential of this new strain to spread rapidly is cause for concern.

However, we can protect ourselves and others from any new strain through taking the same social distancing and masks methods we have all year.

Coronavirus vaccines will get GPS tracking and flight priority

As of Christmas Eve, over 9.5 million doses had been distributed and just over 1 million doses had been administered. This gives tribute to the amazing work the trucking industry has done so far in these efforts.

As more vaccines become FDA-approved, distribution will be more complex, and the industry is ready to handle it as vaccines get GPS tracking and flight priority.

“Just to point out how profound this is, you have two fierce rivals … in FedEx and UPS who are literally teaming up to get this delivered,” said FedEx Express Executive Vice President Richard Smith.

With tens of millions of vaccines being distributed and truckers looking at receiving the vaccine in Phase 3 of the nation’s plan, what can we do now?

As we stated during the Thanksgiving holiday update, the most important thing we can do is to help flatten the curve. We are in the worst period of the pandemic and many are facing “pandemic fatigue”.

But we must stay vigilant in wearing our masks, think about what your holiday plans will look like with masks and social distancing, and being kind to those who agree or disagree with each other.

Let us seek the joy the holiday season brings and share the love with those on the frontlines.

Are you concerned for your staff and/or drivers and their COVID-19 exposure?

We offer on-site pre-shift screenings, screening questionnaires and temperature screenings for your distribution site, terminal, construction site or office.

We also offer antibody testing, which provides insight into employee exposure by determining whether or not they have developed COVID-19 antibodies.

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