Changing ELD Providers? Complete ELD Data Record-Keeping Guide

Complete ELD Data Record-Keeping Guide

No matter if your ELD was revoked or you are changing ELDs voluntarily, there are certain records you must keep for a specific amount of time. What are they?

So far in 2023, FMCSA has revoked sixteen ELDs due to failing to meet the minimum requirements established in 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A, such as the device being able to capture all required data technical specifications.

In just the last week, FMCSA has removed 9 ELDs from the list of registered Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs), making motor carriers and drivers discontinue using:

  • ELD 2 GO
  • ELD4Trucking
  • ELOG365
  • Golden ELD
  • PowerTrucks ELD
  • Steer Right ELD
  • TruckX-ELD
  • TST 1 ELD
  • World Trucking ELD

They have 60 days to replace the revoked devices with compliant ELDs.

So, what records do they need to gather, and how long should they keep them?

ELD daily driver logs record-keeping

When it comes to ELD record-keeping of driver logs, there are four main requirements to keep in mind:

  • A motor carrier must retain drivers’ records of duty status (RODS) and supporting documents for six months. 395.8(k)
  • A back-copy of the ELD records must be maintained for six months on a device separate from where the original data is stored. 395.22(i)
  • A motor carrier must retain a driver’s ELD records in a manner that protects driver privacy. 395.22(i)
  • The motor carrier must also retain any unidentified driving records for at least six months as a part of its hours of service (HOS) ELD records and make them available to authorized safety officials upon request.

Daily vehicle inspection report (DVIR) record-keeping

Drivers must perform a daily vehicle inspection report (DVIR) of certain required parts and accessories at the completion of each workday.

If your backed-up DVIR records are from the telematic device, remember to grab these reports, as a copy must be kept for three months at the place of business or where the vehicle is housed.

IFTA/IRP Record-Keeping

The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) agreements have specific record requirements for licensees and registrants.

Motor carriers must maintain detailed mileage distance and records for each individual vehicle.

When using a GPS tracking system, there are several data points you want to be sure are recording accurately.

The required data sets for an IFTA audit are:

  • date and times
  • the odometer or the ECM reading or hubometer reading
  • longitude and latitude readings for each ping

IFTA records must be kept for four years from the date the tax return was due or filed, whichever is later.

IRP vehicle mileage records must be summarized monthly, quarterly, and annually by fleet and state or Canadian province. These records must be kept for five years following the period the registration application was based upon.

In addition, they must substantiate the information filed with the department and are subject to review by audit.

Unique State GPS record-keeping requirements

Below is a list of other important state record-keeping requirements for ELD and telematic device data.

  • Connecticut Highway Use Fee: 4 years GPS data
  • Kentucky Weight Distance Tax: 5 years GPS data
  • New Mexico Weight Mileage Tax: 4 years GPS data
  • NY Highway Use Tax: 4 years GPS data
  • Oregon Weight Mileage Tax: 4 years GPD data

Access records quickly if there is a DOT Audit

It is important to note that FMCSA lists minimum regulations and nothing is stopping you from keeping records longer, especially if you are unsure how old the records are.  

If there is a DOT Audit, motor carriers are expected to produce records within a reasonable amount of time, 48 business hours, or by the audit date.

This means you need to stay organized. Need help?

CNS has been handling our clients’ licensing and permitting needs for over 30 years.

We offer a number of DOT Licensing Services to make your interaction with government authorities easy, fast, cost-effective, and with the least amount of stress as possible.

Our DOT Licensing Specialists will learn your operation so we can accurately set up and renew your required DOT authorities.

We offer a long list of licensing services and are always adding more to accommodate our clients, including obtaining DOT numbers, MC authorities, vehicle registration, UCR and so much more.

Request a Quick Quote today!

What is the best ELD?

Compliance Navigation Specialists searched high and low for a partner in the telematics or electronic logging device (ELD) industry, testing over 20 ELD systems before partnering with Pedigree Technologies.

We found that Pedigree’s “OneView” platform offered a great product and even better technical support to improve efficiency and streamline your operation.

As a certified reseller, CNS offers great customer support and a partner who knows the DOT rules and regulations.

Not the right fit, we can recommend another ELD, just let us know.

Questions about DOT Compliance, Licensing, Audits, Programs, etc.?

Our DOT Specialists are here to help!

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