CDC Recommends Truckers For Phase 1C of COVID-19 Vaccinations

COVID-19 masked trucker

COVID-19 vaccines are currently being given to Phase 1A, frontline health care workers and residents and staff at long-term care facilities.

On December 20, 2020, the CDC recommended that people age 75 and older and “frontline essential workers,” such as emergency responders, teachers, manufacturing workers, and grocery store employees, be included in the next wave, Phase 1B.

Phase 1C will then include truck drivers, people 65-74 years old, those between 16 and 64 with high-risk medical conditions, and “other essential workers” such as transportation and logistics workers, food service workers, and more.

However, states have the final say on how vaccines are distributed.

For instance, Arkansas put truck drivers in Phase 1B ahead of adults 65 years and older and adults of any age with chronic health conditions while Alabama put long-distance truck drivers in the fourth phase, along with groups such as office workers who do not have frequent close contact with coworkers, customers, or the public.


When will truckers receive the COVID-19 vaccine?

As with any large scale manufacturing, distribution, and inoculation plans, this is a moving target and will depend on your state.

Currently, there is not enough vaccine available for people in Phase 1B and 1C.

According to U.S. projections, December should have had 20 million vaccines for people, 30 million in January, and 50 million in February.

It is estimated that Phases 1A and 1B will include around 73 million people and Phase 1C will add another 129 million people.

Additionally, even if there are vaccines available at clinics, the roll-out of actually getting people vaccinated has been much slower than predicted.

Health officials are emphasizing the need to continue to practice social distancing and mask wearing, including those who are receiving the vaccine, to reduce spread until enough people can receive the vaccine.


Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Our CNS Occupational Medicine Team will be offering the COVID-19 Vaccine soon in Pennsylvania.

  • We will only be offering CDC recommended and approved vaccines.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine will be offered in phases, starting with healthcare workers, then the elderly and first responders and many other essential workers, and lastly the general population.
  • The CDC is offering an app called V-Safe for check-ins and to record and report any side effects.

Vaccine Administration length: 15 minutes.

For more information, contact us at 888.260.9448 or

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