Act Now! Carriers With FMCSA Portal Must Make Login Security Changes

Carriers With FMCSA Portal Login Must Make Login Security Changes

Back in October 2021, an audit concluded that FMCSA’s IT infrastructure was fraught with security weaknesses and was at risk by hackers and malware.

Back in October 2021, an audit concluded that FMCSA’s IT infrastructure was fraught with security weaknesses and was at risk by hackers and malware.

The agency uses 13 web-based applications, to aid vehicle registration, inspections, compliance monitoring and enforcement. Many of FMCSA’s information systems contain sensitive data, including personally identifiable information.

To improve security and comply with a Multifactor Authentication (MFA) mandate, users will now access the FMCSA Portal through a account instead of using an FMCSA Portal username and password (similar to the Clearinghouse login process).

To keep access to their FMCSA Portal account, users must set up a account by Dec. 1.

Carrier and company users with questions or who need help setting up their account should contact FMCSA by dialing 1-800-832-5660 or submitting a question and chatting with an agent here.

How To: Create Your LOGIN.GOV Account

Follow these steps to create your account.

1. Enter your email address at to begin. Note: This must be the same email address that is used by the FMCSA Portal

Please make sure your FMCSA Portal email address exactly matches your Login.Gov email address. If not, please log into the FMCSA Portal with your Portal username/password and update your email address to be the same as your Login.Gov email address. Remember to click the “Update Profile” button in the upper right-hand corner of the page after you update your FMCSA Portal information.

2. Read the Rules of Use statement, then check the box confirming that you have.

3. Click the “Submit” button. You can now close that page.

4. Check your email for a message from

5. Click the “Confirm your email address” button in the message. This will take you back to the website.

6. Create your password.

Your password must meet the following requirements:

  • Must not contain all or part of the user’s account name
  • Must contain 12 characters.
  • Must contain characters from each of following categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Numerals (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (e.g., !, $, #, %)
  • Your password should be different from passwords you use for other accounts such as your bank account or email. Using the same password for many accounts makes identity theft easier.

7. Set up a second layer of security.

As an added layer of protection, requires you to set up a secondary authentication method to keep your account secure. This is referred to as two-factor authentication (2FA).

While we only require one secondary authentication method, we encourage you to add two methods to your account. That way you will have a backup if you lose access to your primary authentication method.

You can choose from several authentication options.

More secure:

  • PIV or CAC card for federal government employees or military
  • Authentication application
  • Security key
  • Face or touch unlock

Less secure:

  • Text message
  • Phone call
  • Backup codes

8. Success! Once you have authenticated, you have created your account.

You will be taken to your account page or the government agency you are trying to access. You can add additional authentication methods, email addresses, or update your information on the account page.

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