2022 Roadcheck Found 23% of OOS Vehicle Violations Were Due to Wheel Ends

2022 Roadcheck Found 23% of OOS Vehicle Violations Were Due to Wheel Ends

Nearly 1 in 4 drivers that were placed out-of-service was due to a wrong class license.

The annual International Roadcheck conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)  is a high-visibility reminder of the importance of commercial motor vehicle safety.

During this year’s 72-hour inspection in May, 12,456 vehicles were placed out-of-service (compared to 9,691 OOS vehicles in the previous roadcheck) and 3,714 CMV drivers were placed OOS.

Each year, there is also a special category focus. This year’s CVSA Roadcheck focus was on wheel ends.

Wheel end components support the heavy loads carried by commercial motor vehicles, maintain stability and control, and are critical for braking.

Violations involving wheel end components historically account for about one quarter of the vehicle out-of-service violations discovered during International Roadcheck, and past International Roadcheck data routinely identified wheel end components as a top 10 vehicle violation.

What were the results for 2022 CVSA Roadcheck?

This year, inspectors in Canada and the U.S. conducted 36,555 Level I Inspections and inspectors in Mexico conducted 1,150 Level V Inspections, for a combined total of 37,705 Level I and V Inspections.

They placed 8,718 vehicles out of service, which is a 23.1% vehicle out-of-service rate for North America.

Out of the 48,966 Level I and II Inspections conducted in Canada and the U.S., 11,181 vehicles were placed out of service (a 22.8% vehicle out-of-service rate) and 3,118 drivers were placed out of service (a 6.4% driver out-of-service rate).

At 24%, the top violation in the U.S. was brake systems, followed closely by tires (19.4%), and then defective service brakes and lights falling just under the 13% mark.

Table 1: Top 5 Vehicle OOS Violations in the U.S.

Violation Category# of OOS Vehicle Violations% of OOS Vehicle Violations
Brake Systems3,99224.0%
Defective Service Brakes2,14212.9%
Cargo Securement1,6479.9%

On the driver side of things, 45% of driver OOS violations resulted from false log violations. Interestingly, 23.6% of the drivers placed OOS was due to a wrong class license, 6% had a suspended license and 5% did not have a medical card.

Table 2: Top 5 Driver OOS Violations in the U.S.

Violation Category# of OOS Driver Violations% of OOS Driver Violations
False Logs1,90145.0%
Wrong Class License1,04524.7%
Suspended License2515.9%
No Medical Card2225.3%

When it came to wheel ends, out of the top 10 vehicle out-of-service violations, tires ranked second and wheels came in seventh.

Of the 18,213 total vehicle out-of-service violations, there were 3,374 tire out-of-service violations, accounting for 18.5% of all vehicle out-of-service violations, and there were 784 wheel out-of-service violations, which is 4.3% of all vehicle out-of-service violations.

Combined, wheel end (tire and wheel) violations accounted for 22.8% of all out-of-service vehicle violations throughout North America.

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Our DOT Specialists are here to help!

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