2025 Conference Signup
Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!
Did you recent DOT audit or roadside inspection have mistakes?
DataQ is the online system for drivers, motor carriers, Federal and State agencies, and others to file concerns about Federal and State data maintained in MCMIS and released to the public by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Whether you are a driver or a motor carrier, we can help challenge the incorrect inspection report to get it removed from your record. When you want to challenge an incorrect violation, a crash that meets the challenge guidelines, or an inspection assigned to you by mistake, you can achieve this through the DataQ process.
It depends. We hear it all the time, “I need help fixing a bad CSA score, what do I need to do?” The problem is the carrier doesn’t understand that there are different scores, they are based on different factors, and there are different ways to improve each type of score.
Our DataQ Specialists and the DataQ System?
We have a great rapport with the FMCSA challenging DataQs. We have the expertise to know exactly what can and cannot be challenged. Our consultants are well-versed in the FMCSA rules and regulations, as well as what an officer is required to note on their report.
Our DataQ Specialists will review your roadside inspections and crash reports on a monthly basis for accuracy.
Our DataQ Specialists will provide you with a monthly report on roadside inspections and include driver recommendations.
Our DataQ Specialists will collect all supporting documents for challenges.
Our DataQ Specialists will request a copy of any Roadside Inspection Reports that are applicable to your request.
We offer an Online Portal to save all your challenges and roadside inspection reports in case of an on-site inspection. This information can be accessed from anywhere at your convenience.
What is the Crash Preventability Program?
If you have an eligible crash that occurred on or after June 1, 2017, you may submit a challenge with compelling evidence to prove the crash was Not Preventable. During the Demonstration Program, eligible crashes are limited to the following:
If you have a violation or see false information about your company, you need to challenge it through the DataQ process. Violations can consist of incorrect inspection reports, a crash that meets the DataQ challenge guidelines, or an inspection assigned to you by mistake. You can also challenge any incorrect information you find about your company.
Purchase an Inspection Report Request, a Single Violation Review, a Crash Preventability Review, or a Police Crash Report Request and a DataQ Specialist will help you out.
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Register now for the 2025 Safety and Compliance Conference Feb 28, 2025!
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